
My service approach

I am happy to support you with all my expertise. As a dynamic, flexible provider, I first analyse together with you the status quo of your organisation as well as the goals you are striving for. You will receive an offer of consulting services, coaching, workshops and trainings tailored to the individual and concrete needs of your organisation in terms of content and scope. Together we create a sustainable positive impact for your organisation.

All services are available in German and English.

Consulting, support and implementation solutions in the area of error culture, decision-making and error management

  • Evidence-based root cause analysis of error-prone processes

  • How employees can recognize errors as an opportunity instead of recognising them as a threat

  • Introduction of a Just Culture (a non-punitive and just organisational culture)

  • Implementing steps towards a learning organisation

  • Support in the introduction of report and error management systems

Moderne Organisationsstrukturen, Wandel zur lernenden und agilen Just Culture-Organisation, zufriedene Mitarbeitende, Qualitätssteigerung, Beseitigung von Reibungsverlusten
emocia fehlermanagement error management organisationskultur organisational culture
Prozessberatung zu Führungs- und Entscheidungsprozessen

Process consulting on management and decision-making processes

  • Process variants in different initial situations

  • How do I make a decision when I cannot make a decision?

  • Influences of external factors on processes and dealing with risks in a VUCA/BANI environment

  • Basics of human interaction – why do we actually function the way we do and not differently?

Leadership development with a focus on team building, communication and agility

  • Group dynamics of successful leadership teams

  • Situation-adapted communication with messages appropriate for specific recipients, intervention strategies

  • Building, implementing and adapting process-oriented team structures

  • Empowerment as a success factor for active participation and utilisation of existing resources

Leadership-Entwicklung mit Fokus auf Teambuilding, Kommunikation und Agilität
emocia fehlermanagement error management organisationskultur organisational culture
Analysen und Workshops zu Aspekten der Resilienz und Effizienz Ihrer Organisation im Umgang mit Fehlern
emocia fehlermanagement error management organisationskultur organisational culture

Analyses and workshops on aspects of resilience and efficiency of your organisation in dealing with errors

  • Comparison of self-perception with external perspective

  • Case studies at executive / senior management level

A pilot’s view on leadership and executives…

  • Illumination of the “blind spot”: What you do not recognise, you can neither change nor improve

  • Exchange of experience on best practice in decision-making and dealing with pressure situations

A pilot’s view on leadership and executives