emocia error management - trust the pilots way

Error Management and Organisational Culture Inspired by Aviation –
Trust the pilot’s way.

Error* management, decision-making, team processes and organisational culture. Inspired by aviation. This is what I stand for.

Tobias Fietze emocia

If you think error management is too costly, try an incident…

With many years of work experience in a high-risk environment as an active pilot and as a manager, proactively dealing with decisions and errors in my daily professional life comes naturally to me. In dialogue with colleagues from a wide range of organisations, I am constantly amazed at how leadership, decision-making processes and error culture are handled elsewhere and what resources lie idle there.

In order for teams to function smoothly, both in normal working life and in pressure situations, there are certain prerequisites. This is no different in aviation than in any other organisation. Who did not experience it: a small branch on the path suddenly transforms into a tree trunk that makes it difficult to move forward. In a complex and volatile working world, employees and managers are confronted with such challenges every day, which demand solutions from them. But how exactly does one arrive at a suitable solution? Numerous efficient methods have been established in aviation over the decades. Be it an open approach to errors, a non-punitive and just organisational culture, an institutionalised feedback system or agile teamwork and decision-making – to name but a few. Managers and teams at all levels and in all sectors can benefit from these methods.

Let emocia give you and your organisation wings!

Your concerns

  • Have errors and undesirable outcomes of decisions generated friction losses? Does your organisation require support in root cause analysis and process adjustment?

  • Is your organisation repeatedly challenged by similar errors in similar situations?

  • Does your organisation have effective mechanisms in place to proactively mitigate the impact of potential errors?

  • Do the employees in your organisation make decisions in a structured, conscious and reproducible way?

  • Does your organisation learn from undesirable results of decisions in an institutionalised way?

  • Does your organisation benefit from its employees’ experience? Are employees able and willing to get involved and to participate?

  • Does your organisation demonstrably gain competitive advantage because effective teams in key positions lead it?

  • Would your leadership teams like to benefit from an inspiring exchange based on aviation management and working methods?

My contribution to the solution

Consulting and product solutions in the area of error management and organisational culture (Just Culture)

Coaching and analyses on decision-making methods as well as leadership and team processes

Data tools for error management, reporting solutions, implementation recommendations

*Since the German language does not readily differentiate between different types of errors (such as mistakes, slips, lapses, omissions), the term “error” will be used throughout this website.