
emocia’s holistic approach

Often, the classic process for dealing with decisions and undesired results, the errors, looks like this:

emocia classic error process

A decision is made based upon a given situation. Often, the situation is not interpreted correctly or not understood in crucial, essential points. The decision, based on incomplete situational awareness, results in an undesirable outcome, the error. How the error is dealt with usually depends on its impact. Either an attempt is made to bring about a change by means of corrective actions (still without improvements in the area of situation awareness). Alternatively, the undesired result is accepted and an attempt is made to mitigate its effects through non-productive escape activities in order to avoid possible consequences for the decision-maker.

In such a process, the occurrence of errors and their consequences are often not questioned directly and deeply. A learning culture is hardly present.

This is exactly where the emocia model comes in:

From a person-centred to a systemic perspective

emocia error management organisational culture holistic approach model

This holistic approach supports the process at various key points and leads to continuous learning from errors in the sense of a closed loop. The process favoured by emocia is about both reducing the number of errors, minimising their impact and enabling continuous learning.


emocia aims at multiple levels. At the “situation” level, a broader understanding and deeper analysis of the situation in order to create an enhanced situational awareness and thus the basis for resilient decisions are fostered. Prerequisites are the decision-makers’ knowledge of the processual nature and the sum of human factors, team processes and aspects of the organisational culture.


At the “decision” level, decision-making patterns are scrutinised and typical sources of error are highlighted in order to learn from past decisions for future decision-making processes. This helps to reduce the number of errors and thus their impact. The focus is on factors such as agility within the team, leadership and error culture, decision-making systems and empowerment.


In order to avoid unplanned corrective actions or unproductive avoidance actions, emocia also focuses on how errors are dealt with. In addition, the introduction of anticipation mechanisms takes place at the “mitigation” level. Thus, additional options and alternative actions can already be worked out during the decision-making process, which can then be used in a controlled manner if necessary. In a non-punitive error culture, errors are recognised and accepted at an early stage and countermeasures can be taken without fear of sanctions.


Finally, at the “learning” level, the goal of a learning organisation is worked towards. This serves the superordinate purpose of establishing and implementing a Just Culture in the organisation – by focusing on the question “why and how did the error happen” (or not), instead of solely focusing on responsibilities (“who”). The entire error and decision chain is analysed. This approach helps laying the foundation for a better situational awareness in future similar situations and also has an effect on an improved understanding of the decision-making processes. Moreover, based on evidence it simultaneously strengthens the resilience and efficiency of the organisation and the decision-makers in dealing with errors.

…if you think error management is too costly, try an incident!

What emocia can achieve for your organisation

Modern organisational structures, transformation to a learning and agile Just Culture organisation, satisfied employees, quality improvements, elimination of friction losses


Consulting, support and implementation solutions in the area of error culture, decision-making and error management

More efficient processes through understanding the fundamentals of human action in different situations


Process-oriented consulting on leadership and decision-making processes


Successful, dynamic, agile and productive leadership teams with a common focus


Leadership development with a focus on team building, communication and agility

Inventory of strengths and development potentials in your organisation’s structure with regard to organisational and error culture

Analyses and workshops on aspects of your organisation’s resilience and efficiency in dealing with errors

Further development of leaders and raising of previously unused potentials, confidential and trustworthy support with independent third-party opinion in a challenging VUCA environment

A pilot’s view on leadership and executives…

Confidential, external product solutions for error management in a Just Culture organisation

Data tools for error management, reporting solutions, implementation recommendations…